Competent and experienced: Prof. Andreas Pfützner, M.D., Ph.D

- Physician and Chemist
- 18 yrs. Clinical Expertise (AIDS, Diabetes/Endocrinology)
- 18 yrs. Pharmaceutical Expertise:
- Head of Clinical Endocrinology Research, Fournier Pharma, Dijon/France, 1993-1994
- Head of Diabetes Clinical Research, Lilly Deutschland, 1994-1998
- General Manager Europe and Int. Medical Director, MiniMed Inc., Mainz/Germany, 1998-2000
- Professor of Applied Clinical Research, University of Applied Sciences Rheinbach/Germany, 2001-2008
- Medical Director Biodel Inc. Connecticut/USA, 2004-2007
- CEO of ikfe GmbH Mainz/Germany, 1998-2013
- Since 2007 Professor of Applied Clinical Research, University of Applied Sciences, Bingen/Germany
- Since 2013, CEO PFÜTZNER Science & Health Institute/Diabeteszentrum und Praxis, Mainz/Germany
Since 2014 CSO of the company Lifecare in Bergen Norway
Since 2017 Professor of Internal Medicine and Laboratory Medicine at the University for Digital Technologies in Medicine & Dentistry (DTMD), Wiltz, Luxembourg
Since July 2023 Member of the Scientific Board of Swiss Health Television
Our philosophy
The two philosophical pillars of our Science & Health Institute are and have always been: professional service and meeting the highest quality demands. This philosophy is followed throughout all departments of the institute and the practice daily; it is the cornerstone of our success. Because of our philosophy our customers show satisfaction to us every day and this is our motivation. We constantly validate, extend, maintain, and increase the trust given to us, this is one of the main objectives of our quality assurance.