A trusting partnership is a valuable asset
We work with our experienced and competent partners to achieve a wealth of benefits for everyone involved in the project. All of the participants focus on the essentials and contribute their special skills to reach the specified goal. This is a service of highest quality for our customers.
sciema SCIENCE & MARKETING GmbHOur competent and long-standing sister company and supportive partner for clinical research, training and education as well as conference organization. Administration of PSHI GmbH is regulated by the sciema team: |
TECOmedical AGOur qualified partner for development and validation of ELISA tests for diabetes, cardiovascular, metabolic and liver diseases: www.tecomedical.com |
TempraMed EuropeOur expert for commercialization of new innovative medical products. The company has many years of industry experience and industrial distribution capabilities: www.tempramed.eu |
TH Bingen |
DTMD University for Digital Technologies in Medicine and Dentistry Luxembourg |
Lifecare Laboratory GmbH |
Dentognostics GmbH |
MedTrix Group |